

If you are being referred for opthalmology care under the NHS it is likely you will have had an appointment with your doctor, local optometrist or some other clinician. They may have found a potential issue with your eyes that they would like followed up.

Certain eye conditions do not always need to be seen in a busy hospital department and are just as easily seen in a community clinic, either by an optometrist with consultant oversight or by a consultant directly.

Evolutio has the ability to see patients with a wide range of eye conditions in a community clinic, usually within 4 weeks, helping to reduce waiting times for appointments and allowing hospitals more time to see patients who need a hospital service.

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Select your clinic and date/time through our online booking portal. You'll need to provide your date of birth and reference number.

Call us

You can phone our dedicated NHS Patient Services Team to discuss your options and make your appointment.

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An NHS partner since 2010